

Info Skill Upgrade NS


evassion II (42% dodge 3turn) = 100T

evasion III (45% dodge 3turn) = 150T

evasion IV (49% dodge 3turn) = 200T

evasion V (55% dodge 3turn) = 250T

evasion VI )55% dodge 4turn) = 300T

blade of wind II (27% bleeding 3turn) = 150T

blade of wind III (30% bleeding 3turn) = 200T

blade of wind IV (35% blleeding 3turn) = 250T

blade of wind V (35% bleeding 4turn) = 300T

wind peace II (22% dodge + 8% cp 3turn) = 200T

wind peace III (25% dodge + 9% cp 3turn) = 250T

wind peace IV (25% dodge + 9% cp 4turn) = 300T

dance of fujin II (reduce 4cooldown) = 250T

dance of fujin III (reduce 5 cooldown) = 300T

whrilwind breaktrough II (debuff clear, 2 turn CD become 3 turn CD)= 300T


lightning charge II ( 42% critical chance 3turn) = 100T

lightning charge III (45% critical chance 3turn) = 150T

lightning charge VI ( 49% critical chance 3turn) = 200T

lightning charge V ( 55% critical chance 3turn) = 250T

lightning charge VI ( 55% critical chance 4turn) = 300T

lightning flash II (blind 72% 2turn) = 150T

lightning flash III (blind 75% 2turn) = 200T

lightning flash VI (blind 80% 2turn) = 250T

lightning flash V (blind 80% 3turn) = 300T

lightening flash bundle II (reduce dodge 44% + reduce 8% CP 3turn) = 200T

lightening flash bundle III (reduce dodge 50% + reduce 9% CP 3turn) = 250T

lightening flash bundle VI (reduce dodge 50% + reduce 9% CP 4turn) = 300T

armor of narukami II (increase dama n critical 20% + ignore dodge 20% 3turn) = 250T

armor of narukami II (increase dama n critical 20% + ignore dodge 20% 4turn) = 300T

ultimate lightening boost II (debuff clear, 2 turn inflict stun become 3 turn inflict stun) = 100T


golem protection II (reduce damage 42% 3turn) = 100T

golem protection III (reduce damage 45% 3turn) = 150T

golem protection VI (reduce damage 49% 3turn) = 200T

golem protection V (reduce damage 55% 3turn) = 250T

golem protection VI (reduce damage 55% 4turn) = 300T

earth arbsorbtion II (drain 20% CP) = 150T

earth arbsorbtion III (drain 26% CP) = 200T

earth arbsorbtion VI (drain 34% CP) = 250T

earth arbsorbtion V (drain 45% CP) = 300T

hidden among rock II (reduce damage 100% 1turn, increase 75% damage next turn) = 200T

hidden among rock III (reduce damage 100% 1turn, increase 80% damage next turn) = 250T

hidden among rock VI (reduce damage 100% 1turn, increase 85% damage next turn) = 300T

embrance of golem II (recover 6%HP + purify 3turn) = 250T

embrance of golem III (recover 6%HP + purify 4turn) = 300T

golem rock gautlets II (debuff clear, reduce 30% damage 3turn, damage
will reduce 100% if any earth jutsu used after use this jutsu) = 300T


fire power II (increase 42% damage 3turn) = 100T

fire power III (increase 45% damage 3turn) = 150T

fire power VI (increase 49% damage 3turn) = 200T

fire power V (increase 55% damage 3turn) = 250T

fire power VI (increase 55% damage 4turn) = 300T

hell fire II (burn 4%, 3turn) = 150T

hell fire II (burn 5%, 3turn) = 200T

hell fire II (burn 6%, 3turn) = 250T

hell fire II (burn 6%, 4turn) = 300T

fire energy excitation II (use skill without CP 3turn <cannot charge 4turn>) = 200T

fire energy excitation II (use skill without CP 4turn <cannot charge 3turn>) = 250T

fire energy excitation II (use skill without CP 5turn <cannot charge 2turn>) = 300T

rage of yama II (rage and strengen 20% 3 turn) = 250T

rage of yama II (rage and strengen 30% 3 turn) = 300T

fire phoenix breathe II (debuff clear, ignore 45% target dodge 4turn) = 300T


water renewal II (recover CP 15%, 3turn) = 100T

water renewal III (recover CP 18%, 3turn) = 150T

water renewal VI (recover CP 18%, 4turn) = 200T

water renewal V (recover CP 22%, 4turn) = 250T

water renewal VI (recover CP 22%, 5turn) = 300T

water bundle II (restrict 2turn) = 150T

water bundle III (restrict 2turn) = 200T

water bundle VI (restrict 3turn) = 250T

water bundle V (restrict 3turn) = 300T

prison coliding wave II (reduce hp cp 4%, stun 2turn) = 200T

prison coliding wave III (reduce hp cp 8%, stun 2turn) = 250T

prison coliding wave VI (reduce hp cp 12%, stun 2turn) = 300T

shield of suiten II (ratio: 1CP = 3HP, 3turn) = 250T

shield of suiten III (ratio: 1CP = 3HP, 4turn) = 300T

shark enampment shield II (debuff clear, +50% healing effect, recude 15% cp target who attack, 3turn) = 300T

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